What is the new google chrome update
What is the new google chrome update

what is the new google chrome update

Chrome 102 continues improving the window controls for web apps.There’s still a lot happening under the surface, though. You can read about many of these changes on Google’s developer site as well as on the Chromium blog. Google now releases every version of Chrome every four weeks, which means big splashy features aren’t as frequent. You can test out this feature at the demo website. The presentation can be put in a separate tab, allowing you to share that tab with the meeting, but stay in the meeting tab to see the people. The idea is the controls for the presentation can be displayed in the tab where the video meeting is happening.

what is the new google chrome update

A new feature allows you to control a presentation from a separate tab. Better Presentation ControlsĮveryone seems to be doing more video meetings for work these days and Chrome 102 continues to try to improve that experience. If you're not sure how to update Chrome manually, just follow along here.The feature is still in early testing but should be available in Chrome 102 at some point through the chrome://flags/#page-info-about-this-site flag. If you're among the billions running Chrome, we recommend updating immediately. It's too early to get into the weeds of these 30 bug fixes, though. It basically means someone could inject virus code into memory upon the exploitation of these bugs. We can tell you a good portion of the bugs that have been published lately have to do with memory manipulation and memory overflow errors, a pretty popular way for malware developers to inject code into memory and allow for arbitrary execution, which is bad. We will also retain restrictions if the bug exists in a third party library that other projects similarly depend on, but haven’t yet fixed."Įffectively the the non-developer translation of the quote above is that these are serious enough to keep the details hidden from the public to avoid bad actors pouncing on them with exploits.

what is the new google chrome update

"Note: Access to bug details and links may be kept restricted until a majority of users are updated with a fix. Click Settings in Chrome Window to start your Update

What is the new google chrome update