Minecraft stormwind city map download
Minecraft stormwind city map download

minecraft stormwind city map download

Walking from the map’s northernmost point (the forest beyond the Wall) to its southernmost point (the Dornish sea) takes more than an hour in real time, and even traversing the “map” - of which there are two, a 3D version and a 2D version - is time consuming.

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According to Martin, Westeros is approximately the size of South America, and project lead Jacob Granberry estimates that the in-game world (hosted on its own server you need to download a separate launcher to get in) is scaled at about 1/100.

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Still, it’s difficult to truly understand the love some fans have for the series until you’ve witnessed the ginormous (and we mean ginormous) world of Westeroscraft, a scale replica of the entire continent of Westeros. Martin - have millions of fans around the world, and its expansive world has inspired creatives to come up with some really cool stuff. HBO’s ultra-popular fantasy program - and its source novels by George R. Even if you don’t know anything about Minecraft, chances are that you’ve heard of Game of Thrones.

Minecraft stormwind city map download