Fallout shelter 3 bunker access code
Fallout shelter 3 bunker access code

fallout shelter 3 bunker access code

The word bunker originates as a Scots word for "bench, seat" recorded 1758, alongside shortened bunk "sleeping berth". Bunkers can be destroyed with powerful explosives and bunker-busting warheads. In bunkers inhabited for prolonged periods, large amounts of ventilation or air conditioning must be provided. Nuclear bunkers must also cope with the underpressure that lasts for several seconds after the shock wave passes, and block radiation.Ī bunker's door must be at least as strong as the walls. Bunkers deflect the blast wave from nearby explosions to prevent ear and internal injuries to people sheltering in the bunker. When a house is purpose-built with a bunker, the normal location is a reinforced below-ground bathroom with fiber-reinforced plastic shells. Typical industrial bunkers include mining sites, food storage areas, dumps for materials, data storage, and sometimes living quarters. Many artillery installations, especially for coastal artillery, have historically been protected by extensive bunker systems. Trench bunkers are small concrete structures, partly dug into the ground. Bunkers can also be used as protection from tornadoes. They were used extensively in World War I, World War II, and the Cold War for weapons facilities, command and control centers, and storage facilities. Bunkers are almost always underground, in contrast to blockhouses which are mostly above ground. Flak towers were used as both above-ground bunkers and anti-aircraft gun blockhouses by Nazi Germany The north entrance to the Cheyenne Mountain Complex in Colorado, United StatesĪ bunker is a defensive military fortification designed to protect people and valued materials from falling bombs, artillery, or other attacks. ( March 2022) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

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Fallout shelter 3 bunker access code